It's Philly time! My trip to Philadelphia, PA was a very historical and fun trip! Being a citizen of this nation and having learned about many of the monuments that are in Philly while I was in school, it was really great seeing these locations in reality and learning more about what happened during the Revolutionary War and on the journey to Independence!
Along with taking selfies with historical sites, we also had the classic and utmost famous Phily Cheesesteak! Check out my trip pictures below!

431 North 62nd Street Philadelphia, PA 19151 Warning: There will be line outside the door.

Up until my trip to Philly! I had only heard about how great fried oreos are, and now I know why they are so praised! Get these for dessert at Square Burger, and you won't regret it!

431 North 62nd Street Philadelphia, PA 19151 Warning: There will be line outside the door.

No matter how close this place is to New York, the home of the best transit system ever, Philly still does their transit system the old school way. The train conductor will give you a punch card that looks like this, or he will stick a paper slip on your seat if you are just paying for one trip at a time. We ended up getting the day pass for $12 and this is what it looked like. So old school!

No matter how close this place is to New York, the home of the best transit system ever, Philly still does their transit system the old school way. The train conductor will give you a punch card that looks like this, or he will stick a paper slip on your seat if you are just paying for one trip at a time. We ended up getting the day pass for $12 and this is what it looked like. So old school!